Be like a floral bouquet


Be like a floral bouquet...

 Call people by Name.. The sweetest music to anyone's 
ears is the sound of his/her own name.

Be alert to give Service..... 
What we do for others counts most in life...

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Learn to understand first 
and to be understood second.

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Don't underestimate the power of a touch, 
a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of
caring ,all of which have the potential
to turn a life around.....

Life ends when you stop Dreaming,
Hope ends when you stop Believing,
Love ends when you stop Caring,
 Friendship ends when you stop Sharing....

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Be Genuinely Interested in People.
 If you try, you can like everybody, and
Everybody will like you.....

When you find a Dream inside your heart
Don't ever let it go
For Dreams are the tiny seeds from
Which beautiful Tomorrows Grow
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