Passion ignites love and keeps it alive.
Lasting passion does not come through physical attraction alone;
it comes from deep commitment, enthusiasm, interest and excitement.
Passion can be recreated by recreating past experiences when you
felt passionate.
Spontaneity and surprises produce passion.
The essence of love and happiness are the same;
all we need to do is to live each day with passion.
Unfortunately, some of us lose our way, due to the everyday demands of life,
work, money, kids, school and other responsibilities that take precedence.
The mundane and the every day rut, stale what once so vital and colorful.
Slowly even the closest of couples can start to be blinded and that light
that used to shine so bright, start to fade…
In every form and it MUST TAKE PRECIDENCE in everything you do…
It has 2 be a 2 way street and what is life without it?
Sometimes, we tend to settle since we are thought to believe
That every relationship lose's it with time…
But your TRUE SOULMATE will never let it go and
Will fight just as hard to keep it burning…
Your true soulmate will not show it when it’s convenient…
But she/he will Breath it, Respected it, Honor it, Crave it, Create it…
But must importantly LIVE IT WITH YOU…..