Hypothetical questions - What Would You Take If ?

Hypothetical questions - What Would You Take If ?

What would you save if your house was on fire? This is one of those hypothetical questions that is often posed to make us evaluate what we consider important, what we consider worth saving, and to allow us to analyze our lives. Many people hate this question, while others actually have a fully formed list of what they’d save and how they would go about saving it.

In Robert Holden’s ‘Burning House’ project, he photographed what a variety of different people collected that they would save. See if you can identify the items, and what they mean to each person.

Caricatures of Celebrity - Funny

Caricatures of Celebrity - Funny

A caricature is a portrait that exaggerates the essence of a person or thing to create an easily identifiable visual likeness. A caricature artist can usually be found at amusement parks, parties and famous tourist attractions.

Jason Seiler is an award winning artist from Chicago, Illinois. He specializes in portraits, character design, and humorous illustration. Some of Jason's clients include TIME magazine, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, GOLF magazine, Business Week and MAD magazine. He also teaches how to draw and paint high-end caricature illustrations at Schoolism.com.

Below you will find my showcase of  caricatures by Jason Seiler. Enjoy!


Be Good to Yourself

Be Good to Yourself

Trust yourself
You know what you want and need.

Put yourself first.
You can't be anything for anybody else 
unless you take care of yourself.

Let your feelings be known.
They are important.

Express your opinions.
It's good to hear yourself talk.

Value your thinking.
You do it well.

Take the time and space you need.
Even if other people are wanting something from you.

When you need something, don't talk yourself out of it.
Even if you can't have it, it's ok to need.

When you are scared, let someone know.
Isolating yourself when you're scared makes it worse.

When you feel like running away,

let yourself feel the scare.
Think about what you fear will happen 

and decide what you need to do.
When you're angry
, let yourself feel the anger.

Decide what you want to do. 
Just feel it, express it, or take some action.

When you're sad, think about what would be comforting.

When you're hurt, tell the person who hurt you.
Keeping it inside makes it grow.

When you have work to do and you don't want to do it,
Decide what really needs to be done and what can wait.
When you want somethingfrom someone else, ask.
You'll be okay if they say no.
Asking is being true to yourself.

When you need help, ask.
Trust people to say no if they don't want to give.

When people turn you down,
It usually has to do with them, and not with you.
Ask someone else for what you need.

When you feel alone, know there are people 

who want to be with you.
Fantasize what it would be like to be with each of them.
Decide if you want to make that happen.

When you feel anxious, let yourself know that in your head.
You've moved into the future to something scary
And your body has gotten up the energy for it.

Come back to the present.

When you want to say something loving to someone, 

go ahead.
Expressing your feeling is not a commitment

When someone yells at you, physically support yourself
By relaxing into your chair or putting your feet firmly on the floor.
Remember to breathe.
Think about the message they are trying to get across to you.

When you're harassing yourself, stop.
You do it when you need something.
Figure out what you need and get it.

When everything seems wrong,
You are overwhelmed and need some comforting.
Ask for it.
Afterwards, you can think about what you need to do.

When you want to talk to someone new and are scared, 
Don't start rehearsing, just plunge in.
If it doesn't go well, you can stop.
If you're doing something you don't like to do,(such as smoking or overeating), Stop.
Think about what you really want.

If you're stuck and can't think clearly
talk out loud to someone.

When you can't think straight,
Stop thinking. Feel.

When you're in need of love, reach out.
There are people who love you.

When you're confused, it's usually because you think you should
Do one thing and you want to do another.
Dialogue with yourself or present both sides to a friend.

When you feel harried, slow down.
Deliberately slow your breathing, your speech, and your movements.

When you have tears, cry.
When you feel like crying and it's not a safe place to cry,
Acknowledge your pain and promise yourself a good cry later.
Keep your promise.

When everything seems gray, look for color.

If one of these rules seems wrong for you, talk about it with someone.
Then, rewrite it so it fits you. 
Remember, Be Good To Yourself!

Signs That The World Is Ending

Signs That The World Is Ending

In case you didn’t know, on May 21st the world is ending, at least that’s the case according to the bible-hugging kid-touching religious crowd.

Rapture commence!

