Low White Blood Cell Count Treatment

Low White Blood Cell Count Treatment

The bodily fluid flowing through the body carrying necessary substances like oxygen and nutrients is called blood. Blood consists of different types of cells like erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells) and thrombocytes (plasma). If you measure by volume, whole blood consists of 45% red blood cells, 54.3% of plasma, and only 0.7% of white blood cells. As you can see, the white blood cells are much less than the red blood cells. The ratio of white blood cells compared to red blood cells is 1:700. A high white blood cell count indicates an infection. Lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes are types of white blood cells that help protecting the body from infections. There can be times when the body suffers from low white blood cell count. This condition is called as leukopenia. What are the low white blood cell count causes? Is there a low white blood cell count treatment? These and many other questions related to this condition are discussed below. You can also read more on what is leukopenia.

Low White Blood Cell Count Causes

Before we move on to low white blood cell count, it is important to understand the causes. White blood cells are defenders of our body against harmful invaders like microorganisms. There are different types of white blood cells that have a particular function in defending the body. Under normal conditions, the immune system is at rest. A few white blood cells keep patrolling around the body to keep infections under check. The minute an infection is spotted, the number of white blood cells in the body is increased. However, there are times when one suffers from leukopenia or low white blood cell count.

There are different conditions like HIV infection, medications as well as chemotherapy that causes leukopenia. Aplastic anemia, autoimmune diseases, liver diseases, spleen disorders, vitamin and mineral deficiency, viral infections, etc., can lead to low white blood cell count. Medications like immunosuppressive drugs also lead to leukopenia. Bone marrow cancer may also reduce WBC count. Sometimes, for unknown reasons (idiopathic) one may develop low white blood cell count.

Low White Blood Cell Count Symptoms

The low white blood cell count symptoms include susceptibility to infections. One develops fever, anemia, hot flashes, fatigue, chills, irritability, etc. Some people develop localized swelling due to blood accumulation (hematoma). Gastrointestinal infections as well as urinary tract infections are common symptoms. Other symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, canker sore, sore throat, headache, rectal bleeding, etc. People may have pain and burning sensation while urinating. Let us now move on to the treatment for a low white blood cell count.

Treatment for a Low White Blood Cell Count

Medications are prescribed by the doctor for treating low white blood cell count. These medications contain 'growth factors' and cytoines that help in increasing white blood cell production. The most common drugs prescribed for treating low white blood cell count are figrastim and pegfilgrastim. Filgrastim is given in the form of daily injections. Pegfilgrastim is given as a single dose injection. There are side effects associated with these medications used as a treatment for a low white blood cell count. They include fever, chills, and bone pain. Itchiness and redness at the site of injection also occurs. Leukopenia treatment in some extremely rare cases includes blood transfusion. Those who are on chemotherapy are asked to delay their treatment to help their blood count rise up. Other than this low white blood cell count treatment, one needs to take a few precautions.

People with low white blood cell count need to follow a balanced diet. They need to provide their body with all the vitamins and nutrients that help the body heal. Leukopenia treatment gets a boost when the body has sufficient vitamins and minerals that help in making the immune system strong. As one has low white blood count, it is very important to avoid injury. Even a slight cut or scrape may lead to serious infections. Be careful while brushing teeth, shaving, and even blowing the nose. A slight injury may lead to a major infection. Avoid visiting crowed places or traveling by public transport. As the immune system is weak, one is very susceptible to different infections one may encounter in a crowded place. Stay away from children or people who have been recently vaccinated.

This was some information related to low white blood cell count treatment. Growth factors administered by injection are the most important part of treatment for low white blood cell count. Follow a healthy diet and take plenty of rest to help restore your blood count. Speak to your doctor and follow his orders related to leukopenia treatment.



