Best Vitamins For Oily Skin Care

Best Vitamins For Oily Skin Care

For skin vitality and a healthy glow, a number of vital vitamins for oily skin should be consumed. Check out the best vitamins for particularly oily skin here. At teenage, oily skin  is a result of fluctuating hormones. Overactive sebaceous glands are responsible for secreting oil to lubricate the skin. Vitamins fights the imbalance caused by excess lubrication of skin. To know the best vitamins for oily skin, read the following article.

Best Vitamins For Oily SkinWhen a person needs to decrease the excess amount of oil from the skin and prevent the formation of skin acne, these vitamins are of major importance. Pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads are caused by excess skin oil that leads to inflammation, bacteria, acne and eventually acne scars. To prevent oily skin is the best way to avoid these disorders. Oily skin is also caused by vitamin deficiencies, hereditary, pregnancy, unsuitable diet, birth control pills and prolonged use of cosmetics. As well as the activity of sebaceous glands also stimulate by the excess of heat and humidity.

Vitamins reduce the action of sebaceous gland and healthy, young as well as glowing skin can be achieved. Broad variety of these vitamins can open enlarged pores, reduce spots and greasy appearance from the skin. To fulfill the need the person can either consume adequate amount of these vitamins or go for vitamin supplements. Foods like sugar, excess oil and butter should be avoided. Before making any dietary changes or taking vitamin supplements, it is necessary to consult a physician. These nutrients are very much needed by the skin and they are naturally obtainable in many food products.
Vitamins for Oily Skin Solutions:

Vitamin A:
Vitamin A reduces the sebum in the body which continuously produces oil in the skin. It is very useful to prevent acne and is also essential for maintaining tissues of mucous membrane of the skin. Lack or excess intake of this vitamin can cause dry, rough skin, among other problems. Diet with vitamin A is more effective than topical treatments. Moisturizers with vitamin A can effectively moisturize the skin without exacerbating oiliness. So to prevent acne, vitamin A is very essential. Foods that are rich in vitamin A are fish, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, turnip greens, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes and melons.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2):
Vitamin B-2 is necessary for skin health. Vitamin B-2 in combination with vitamin A shows better results in improving the development of mucous membranes. It is also used for prevention of acne. A deficiency in riboflavin can result in oily skin. It is necessary to take at least 100mg of vitamin B2 as a daily dose. Sources of riboflavin consist of organ meats (liver, kidney, and heart) and certain plants like almonds, mushrooms, whole grain, soybeans, and green leafy vegetables. Also Milk, yeast, cheese, oily fish, eggs and dark green leafy vegetables are rich sources.

Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is the most important vitamin for skin. It helps in healing tissues and reduces the growth of fat in the body as well as prevents cell damage. It also prevents the dullness connected with oily skin. Vitamin E is found in many foods like vegetable oils, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Avocados, wheat germ, and whole grains are also good sources.

B-Complex Vitamins:
Vitamin B deficiencies cause oily skin, even if it is minor. This vitamin plays an important role in stress management and helps in maintaining healthy skin. The skin may secrete more fluids from the pores because of over stress. By taking sufficient amounts of vitamin B sources, acne can be prevented. Sources of vitamin B-Complex for oily skin include liver, brewer’s yeast and whole-grain cereals.

Vitamin C:
By regulating the gland which secretes the fluid that leaves skin greasy and dull, Vitamin C helps oily skin. Applying topically vitamin C will help to “rejuvenate” the skin and make it appear younger by activating the oxidizing influences to which the skin is subjected. Natural ways to get the vitamin C for oily skin are consuming citrus fruits, berries, currents, kiwi, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and juices made from guava, grapefruit and orange.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid):
Vitamin B5 slows down the production of oil in the body. It is useful in decreasing stress and essential for functioning of adrenal glands. Daily dose of 100mg of this vitamin is essential. Sources of Vitamin B5 are organ meat, wheat germ and nutritional yeast.



