Samsung HMX-E10 Full HD Camcorder

Samsung presented an unusual camcorder Samsung HMX-E10  with touchscreen. This compact handheld solution that allows you to capture video Full HD 1080p at 30 frames per second and get 8 MP photos. Device Control can be accomplished through an 2.7-inch touchscreen display and a couple of hardware buttons, placed below it. A lens is a compact camcorder that can be rotated through 270 degrees.

Samsung HMX-E10 also has a retractable USB connector, which lets you connect your camera to your computer without wires for charging or copy the footage. Plus, has a HDMI connector and a slot for memory card format microSD. At Camcorder preinstalled software Samsung intelli-studio for editing and publishing video on the hosting like YouTube. The cost of new items is $ 199.99, it will be released in September in black and white versions.



